Welcome to Campus!

Flowers Hall

Huntingdon College is a residential college designed to provide close proximity to academic activity, 行政支援服务, 以及社区机会. 学院的建筑和设施对学生开放, faculty, community, 和员工在一定条件下.

The purpose of the event planning procedure is to establish a working system for scheduling events sponsored either on or off campus by officially recognized student organizations. Failure of a student organization to adhere to these policies may result in the cancellation and/or limitation of the event.

  1. View the official College Calendar on the Huntingdon website and see what has already been scheduled/reserved and what is available on your desired event date(s). 请注意,总会有正在进行的活动,而不是在日历上.
  2. Obtain an Event Request Form.
    1. 活动申请表应注明校园服务部门的任何特殊要求, 包括管家, Technology, Student Health, Security, Dining Services, 维护和/或使用学校拥有的车辆.
    2. 请务必在活动表格上列出所有设置要求和活动细节. If you do not know all of this information when the event form is completed for submission to the Vice President for Auxiliary Services, you must notify the Vice President for Auxiliary Services as soon as the set up and other details pertinent to the event have been decided.
  3. Submit the completed Event Request Form to the Vice President for Auxiliary Services at least 2 weeks prior to the proposed event.
  4. The organization adviser will be notified via e-mail by the Vice President for Auxiliary Services. 该顾问将依次通知联系人(e.g. student leader) An event is NOT officially approved until the confirmation e-mail is received by the contact person.


  • Changes to your Event Planning Form after submission must be cleared by the Vice President for Auxiliary Services.
  • 对于在校内或校外举办的活动,学院保留查核学生身份证的权利. 对于公共活动,所有客人必须能够提供适当的身份证明. Individuals who have been denied entry or re-entry will not be permitted to congregate outside of the event.
  • Campus Security, 与组织顾问和学生主任协商, shall have the authority to monitor and to terminate an event in the interest of personal safety and the protection of College property. It shall be the duty of those responsible for the event to cooperate with and assist Campus Security and/or other College officials if the event is terminated.
  • Any event involving the raising of funds or seeking donations by a student organization must receive prior approval from the VP for College and Alumni Relations. Fundraising Forms can be found in the Office of Student Life and Office of College and Alumni Relations.
  • Student organizations shall be responsible for the cost of repairing any damage to any facility incurred during the event and repairing or replacing any equipment damaged during the event.
  • 通知沟通办公室,让大家了解你的活动. Include the date, time, place, 赞助的组织, purpose of the event, who may attend, 以及通过电子邮件发送信息的任何其他细节, 一旦事件被批准, to Su Ofe at ofe@hawks.dilidally.net.
  • 如果在任何十大菠菜靠谱平台拥有的财产举行的活动提供食物, 无论是外部团体还是大学团体, 你必须给予爱玛客优先拒绝提供食物的权利. 如果你得到了爱玛客的许可,可以从外面带食物进来, 你必须从信誉良好的餐馆点那种食物, 持牌酒席承办商或餐厅. 在十大菠菜靠谱平台的活动中是不允许提供食物的, 在家庭厨房里准备的, 包括十大菠菜靠谱平台拥有的学院球场上的房屋, 被十大菠菜靠谱平台的学生占据. If you use Aramark at Huntingdon College to prepare and serve the food and drinks for your event, 请联络Kedric Barnette (kbarnette@hawks.dilidally.net) or Ms. Valerie Prewitt (vprewitt@hawks). huntingdon.Edu)直接定价,并协调您的菜单选择.


  • The organization’s adviser is responsible for the supervision of students participating in an off-campus event, activity or trip. 顾问必须参加所有校外活动, 活动和旅行,并鼓励选择一个学生协调员, most often an officer of the organization to assist in the facilitation of the activity or event.
  • Students are asked to stay in groups of at least two people and make specific arrangements for meeting times.
  • If a student group is traveling off campus for an extended period of time (day trip or overnight), 顾问必须向学生生活办公室提供以下信息:
    -The phone number and name of a contact person at the site (non-Huntingdon; maybe the pastor at the church where you will be sleeping/staying or hotel).
    -A confirmation that the students were asked to take student IDs with them on the trip.
    -Each student MUST sign a liability waiver before traveling (which includes listing a name and cell phone number of the person to be contacted in case of an emergency).
    -可以找到十大菠菜靠谱平台关于酒精消费和分配的政策 here 并适用于所有十大菠菜靠谱平台认可的活动,无论是校内还是校外.

Flyer Policy

All student organizations are required to submit their flyers to the Office of Student Life (Director of Student Activities) prior to printing and posting on campus. 如果传单指示事件, the event must be officially approved by the Office of Event Planning before the flier will be approved by the Office of Student Life. It is suggested that fliers only be posted on the designated bulletin boards around campus (The Hut, DH Lobby, CSO Lounge, and the Coffee House). 如有必要,传单只能张贴在其他地方,使用蓝色油漆胶带.

T-Shirt Policy

All organizations and clubs are required to gain approval for t-shirt designs from the Office of Student Life (Director of Student Activities and Dean of Students) prior to ordering and printing, 是否引用学院的名称或标志. T-shirt designs should not denigrate or compromise the integrity or humanity of others. 未经书面许可,设计不得使用受版权保护的材料. t恤不得以任何方式提倡或涉及酒精或毒品的消费.

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